Friday, June 27, 2008

Sandy's Almond Joy - Delicious!!

I want to share this Almond Joy Recipe with you. I add a Stevia product called OMNIBALANCE - it's an incredible product for those of us who need a healthy sugar substitute. EMIL JAHODA [] is the person who I order the Omniblance from.

Sandy's Almond Joy
1 cup liquid coconut oil...can be melted by placing container in hot water (I prefer the India centrifuged oil from Wilderness Family Naturals)
1 cup chopped almonds... may be soaked and chopped or soaked and dried for added nutritional benefit
3/4 to 1 cup dried coconut... (I like the freeze dried from Wilderness Family Naturals)
2-3 scoops Super Soy Sprout Powder...optional
Directions: Stir together the coconut oil, almonds and dried coconut (save about one third of it to sprinkle over the top) and soy sprout powder in a bowl and pour into an 8X8 pan. sprinkle the top with freeze-dried coconut.Place level in the fridge to chill for approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. Remove and cut into bite size squares to serve. If it becomes too hardened and cracks when you attempt to cut it, just set out at room temperature until it cuts easily.Store in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your day!

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