Monday, June 30, 2008

My Diabetes

Hello Again Today!

My last few posts have been about products that I currently use: 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide, Grey Celtic Sea Salt, Coconut Oil. The reason for this is because I feel strongly that it's products like these that have kept me and keep me healthy today. I'm 48 and have had diabetes for 38 years. I was giving a minimum of 4 insulin shots a day when I switched to an insulin pump in 1992. The pump freed me up from being on such a rigid eating schedule and improved my blood sugars as well.

My doctor suggested I have an xray taken of my heart. Insurance did not pay for the xray but I was curious to see the results so I paid for it out of my pocket. The xray shows where if any plaque has built up. There was no plaque build up in my heart = I cried when I read the report because I was so happy. As I said in my first post I am wanting to share with other diabetics non traditional, alternative and even controversial ways that I have been able to maintain my health over the years.

Enjoy your day!

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