Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Diet / Breakfast Recipe

Having diabetes I'm always looking for the latest and greatest to help control blood sugars. There was a year in my life when I didn't eat anything that was cooked. When you cook foods it removes the nutrient value. I lived on raw vegetables and some fruits and nuts. I ate alot of avocados, salads, greens, dehydrated foods and juiced quite a bit too. I hope someday to get back to that way of eating and for the most part I try to incorporate that way of eating into my daily life. It's not easy but definitely doable and a very healthy way to eat.

My breakfast for the past 7 years or so is always a cereal made up of ground flax seed. I buy the flax seed in bulk and grind it in a coffee grinder. I add the Omnibalance Stevia that I talked about in the Almond Joy Recipe post, cinnamon, grey Celtic Sea Salt, plain yogurt, kefir and some raw almonds or sunflower seeds. It's quite delicious and keeps me full until lunch. It also keeps me very regular :) and gives me the good fats that we all need.

Enjoy your day!

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